Anyways- here's what they are if you're interested too.
1. Marc by Marc over-the-body Handbag $178.00 Shopbop.com
So I've been into the over-the-body bag for like a month now? But I still haven't gotten one because I'm anal. I found a perfect one at Barney's in NYC but it was literally $500, and I decided that I could probably find a cheaper one somewhere in the world. Then I found a great one in Forever 21 (the promise land) for like $15 but it was the wrong color. SOOO now I found this one- and I think I'm gonna do it. I like the color, it also comes in gray, which I'm thinking about. I have to ponder it a little more though. Plus, my super shopping spree weekend did enough damage that a little bag for almost $200 coooould put me over the edge. Whatevah, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be. And in my opinion, I'm incomplete without this bad boy.
2. Yellow Converse High Tops $45 AmericanAthletics.com
These are random, but there's this pair of completely hot legs on the White Tie Affair album cover (they sing "candle"), and the legs are wearing these shoes and I, ever the target of popular consumer advertisement, have embraced the fact that I am pathetic. I think they're cool, and you can never have enough chucks. Done and done.
3. "Kate Moss Housedress" $50 Modcloth.com
Much like the converse situation, I pretty much only want this dress because it looks like the one Gabriella wears (in HSM3...if you don't know what that stands for....I don't even know what to say.) in the "Can I Have This Dance" scene. Definitely inappropriately short for a disney movie, but her wardrobe is absolutely adorable, and that dress was my fav. I couldn't find the exact one, and this is the closet I've gotten in my endless search. Pretty good deal too if you ask me. For those of you who haven't heard of modcloth.com- definitely check it out. Awesome vintage and vintage-inspired items.
4. Twelfth St. Strapless Dress $350 Shopbop.com
Honestly I love this dress, I think it's adorable and versatile, but let's be serious. $350? Not happening, I think it's time to delete this one off of the WL. And it's been there for like 4 months too...breaking up is hard to do.
5. Sunner Combo Dress $273 Shopbop.com
What sells this dress for me is the back- sorry I didn't include it, but I'm too lazy to change it now so go look for yourself on shopbop. Bottom line- high waisted skirt without the effort of finding a cute shirt to match it? Done. A high waist skirt doesn't look bad on ANYONE. Fact. Worth all 273.
6. Nanette Lepore Tribal Jacket $300 Shopbop.com
So I'm kind of into blazers right now, and I only really have one cute one from Alexander Wang. This jacket isn't really a blazer, but the detail is absolutely stunning. It's subtle and it buttons and it flares at the bottom. All signs point to working- only problem is the price...and the kicker is that it's on sale- used to be $425..eeeyikes.
7. Frye Ankle High Heel Bootie $248 Shopbop.com
Frye is God's gift to shopping and feet, and if these booties are anything like my other Frye boots, I would love them unconditionally and wear them entirely too often. I know they look uncomfortable, and Frye is usually biker-chick-esque, and they're really simply, but there's something in me that's screaming "FABULOUS INVESTMENT." And that may be my secret love of all booties in general, but it may also be the fact that my Dad still has his Frye boots from like the 16th century- all signs point to durability.
8. Ray-Ban Clubmasters $140 Shopbop.com
I'll never buy these because I can probably find virtually the same thing at F-21 for like 10 bucks, but I think they're sweet. Plus, buying sunglasses online is questionable.
9. LaROK Level Miniskirt $200 Shopbop.com
Another unrealistic wishlist item, but again, high waist skirts don't look bad on ANYONE. Even if they're tight (helloooo spanx?). Anyways, I dig this and if wearing a skirt that kind of made you look like a dominatrix was appropriate office/college-wear, I would probably buy it.
10. 7 Boot-Cut Jean $200 Shopbop.com
I, like every other female on the planet, am in constant search of the perfect pair of jeans. And don't get me wrong, I have a few winners, but you literally can never have enough. A good pair of jeans is the perfect mood-lifter and looks good with everything you put with it. Whether it be a 10 year old sweatshirt or a brand new top, good jeans are always dependable to be comfortable, while still making your ass look great.
So this skirt has a story behind it. And I have a bone to pick with Topshop. Over spring break I was reading a current issue of Vogue, and on the "bargain" page or something, this skirt was featured and advertised on topshop. HOWEVER. After a long and hard search, the skirt can be found in the lookbook, and only in the lookbook, for Spring '09 for Witchcraft. It's not listed under the items for the look, and you can't even see where you can buy it or who makes it. It. is.a mystery. I am in love with it, I have dreams about it, I want to wear it, I have daydreams about what to pair it with and what shoes to rock with it. But to avail. Who knows if it really exists.
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